Heist Proxy Minion#

You can use the salt.proxy Heist plugin to deploy and manage a Salt proxy minion artifact.

heist salt.proxy -R roster.cfg

This will automatically download and deploy a Salt proxy minion to the defined targets. This Heist manager will also handle the Salt proxy minion upgrades and managing the service.

If you want to define Salt proxy config options to add to the proxy config file, you would define them in your roster file like so:

  username: root
  password: "rootpassword"
    log_level_logfile: debug

To define the proxy type and any other needed settings for the Salt proxy minion you will need to use the pillar arg in the roster file. For example:

  username: root
  password: "rootpassword"
      proxytype: dummy

This setting ensures the pillar data is set for this minion to configure the Salt proxy minion type to dummy. This will also edit your top file to ensure this pillar data is added to your pillar environment. It will use the base pillar environment by default or look at your Salt opts for pillarenv.

Heist Proxy Minion Grains#

There are two ways to differentiate between a Heist-Salt proxy minion and a regular proxy minion. A Heist-Salt minion communicates with the master over SSH. Also, a Heist-Salt minion includes a minion_type: heist_proxy grain. If you want to target only heist proxy minions, you can with grains targeting on a Salt Master.

salt -G 'minion_type:heist_proxy' test.version

Since Heist-Salt proxy minions communicate over SSH, if your Salt Master is attempting to check for connected minions, it will not work by default for Heist Minions. You will need to set detect_remote_minions to True in your Salt Master configuration. This will check for connections the Master is connected to over port 22 by default. If you are running SSH on a different port, you can change the port with remote_minions_port. These settings will allow presence events, the manage runner and any other features that detect connected minions to a Salt Master to work properly.